Mass Intelligence Unit Security Ltd - M.I.U - Complaint.

Your security guard personnel(‘s) have no regard for the public what so ever, upon an altercation in the vicinity of couva, one of your security guards decided it was respectful enough to “cuss out” a female citizen over nothing instead of being polite, calm and respectful with the issue at hand. It is very alarming that these are the type of people that supposed to offer protection, I do hope you asses the situation as well as your workers as to having better training and discipline when faced with conflicts.

Comments 1

Title: False Accusations Against Security Officer at Nu Iron Introduction: The security officer has experienced emotional distress, reputational harm, and a hostile work environment due to these false allegations. Their job performance has also been hindered, impacting Nu Iron's security operations. Proposed Solutions: To address this matter, a thorough, impartial investigation involving HR, management, and external experts is crucial. Disciplinary actions should be taken against those responsible for spreading false accusations.