Semarak Revival Centre, Taman Semarak - RELIGIOUS SCAM- Always be on the ALERT of SEMARAK REVIVIRAL CENTRE(SRC)

PART 1 Dear All, Here are several reasons why l left pastor Jean Lim's Minstry. 1. Her teaching is out and a cult movement. 2. She stop children from going to school and prohibit child from receiving education from the world. Because she don’t' have money to sent all the young kids and children to receive education and have a better life in the future. She used the Bible to justify that education of the world is demonic. Which she ruin the lives and the future of the children in her Ministry. What a pure evil heart pastor Jean Lim have towards young kids and children. She murder and destroy their future with lies and put in on the Bible and justify it as righteous and upright. 2. She always say the world will end, for instance in 2007 she said the world will end of September, 2007. She gave poison and murdered 2 children, 3 adults. All of these were covered up and bodies were buried near the heals near GP, Mantin. Every church you go around Malaysia and ask the leaders around. They will list down 2 or 3 people who were victims of this cult movement, who no longer live in this world. The point and put the blame on her and saying he has the title of murder in the highest. She believes all the people who were murdered and died in her holy mountain will go to heaven, what a deception and lie. 3.Before she murder each victim, she will try to withdraw all their money and savings in the bank first to use it for the expansion of her so called heavenly kingdom. They pastor Jean Lim and the pastors there will find a suitable strategy to murder them. It could be through poisoning and other punishment methods. 4. They usually don't use bank account, they pay us using cash. All the salaries of their 50 full-time staff we paid using cash. There are no banks and translations using our local banks. They have massive amount of cash which most of the money were stolen for the victims they murder. At one time when l was there in 2012, there were RM1-2 million in cash all of this money are stolen money from the deceased and smuggled from Singapore through Johor. They everything in huge amount of cash, e.g buying van, car and others. They don't have proper account records or any records. I assume that all their accounting records have been altered or wrong as they don't record any expenses. I can guarantee you they are 100% involved in stealing, money laundering and fraud in accounting.