Mannion's Daybreak Clondalkin - Death trap shop

I am a 69 year old woman. I went to this shop to go to the ATM machine, to get there you have to go through the wine section. I went through the salon doors and felt something on my heel not sure whether it was a person or the door. I started to fall forward I tried to catch onto something to stop my fall but there was nothing to hold onto only wine. The bottles started to fall, but luckily enough none of them fell just me, I fell down on my knees, an assistant kindly helped me to my feet, I could have been seriously injured I could hear the owner Caroline behind him asking was I ok, but in the next breath she commented she must ok be she is standing. I was shaking and embarrassed. I proceeded with my purchases and went to the check out. The owner Caroline had her head stuck under the counter , she never acknowledged me, never asked was I okay. She had absolutely no compassion what so ever. I will never go into that shop again. It is a death trap, there are shelves all over the place. Something needs to be done about it.